Turf Reinforcement Mat
Hydrograss distributes the Enkamat product line, manufactured by Colbond, Inc. Enkamat is a three-dimensional nylon Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) made of polymide (nylon) filaments thermally fused at their intersections to create a homogeneous matrix. Ninety-five percent of the matrix is open space, which supplements nature’s own erosion control system by reinforcing plant root systems. As the roots grow, they become entwined within the lofty and open Enkamat matrix, creating an extremely stable cover. When fully vegetated, Enkamat can double the effectiveness of natural vegetation and replace hard armor systems at a fraction of the cost.
Hydrograss’ tough root-reinforcing system anchors vegetation and protects against hydraulic lift and shear forces created by high-volume discharges. It can withstand greater than 20′ per second and shear stresses of 10 pounds per square foot. Developed in 1972, it is the original TRM and has been approved by numerous state and federal agencies.
Hydrograss also offers the Green Armour System from Profile Products. Used in conjunction with our hydraulically applied erosion control and vegetation technologies, the Green Armour System offers a more aesthetically pleasing, environmentally superior, and cost-effective means of protecting high-discharge waterways and steep slopes.

Applying Enkamat