Excellent Climatic Tolerance - Including Rain and Snow
Provides state-of-the-art control efficiency in locations as diverse as construction sites, indoor warehouses, intermodal operations, landfills, mining haul roads, steel mills, truck terminals, and other open fugitive dust sources including rural and residential roadways.
Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc., America’s leader in dust control technology, announces a revolutionary new dust suppressant to its family of products designed to control dust with 21st century environmental sensitivity.
EnviroKleen is uniquely pure, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, clean, oil-sheen free, colorless, odorless and safe for human, animal and plant life. EnviroKleen does not create housekeeping problems such as tracking onto public roadways, sticking to vehicles or onto materials placed on its treated surfaces. Another outstanding feature of EnviroKleen? is its ability to be sprayed year round, both summer and winter.

Color: Colorless
Odor: Orderless
Water Solubility: Insoluble
Application Method: Spray
Physical Viscosity: Light, thin
Freeze Point: -40F

Key Features
Can be used both indoors and outdoors and does not freeze in cold weather climates
Made from a patented process and is safe, colorless, oderless, biodegradable, highly refined, synthetic, organic fluid, proven to be non-toxic to humans, animals, marine life and plants
Easy to apply, no mixing required
Applications last from 6 to 14 months depending on specific conditions
Eliminates the need for watering, will not freeze even at -40F
Available in easy to manage 5 gallon test kits, larger 55 gal drums and 275 gallon pallet tanks